
Breakpoints are layout ranges that enable screen responsiveness for consistency across devices.

Reverb Design System supports ready-to-use responsive styles. Instead of manually adding @media-queries and nested styles throughout your code, Reverb Design System lets you provide object and array values ​​to add mobile-first responsive styles.

Responsive syntax relies on the breakpoints defined in the theme object. Reverb provides default breakpoints, here’s what it looks like:

BreakpointScreen Size EMScreen Size PX
mobileXs20em> 320px
mobileSm26.75em> 428px
tabletMd48em> 768px
desktopLg62em> 992px
desktopXl80em> 1280px
desktop2xl105em> 1680px
mobile-xs20em> 320px
mobile-sm26.75em> 428px
tablet-md48em> 768px
desktop-lg62em> 992px
desktop-xl80em> 1280px
desktop-2xl105em> 1680px

Here’s how to interpret this syntax:

  • 320px: From 0em upwards;
  • 428px: From 20em upwards;
  • 768px: From 26.75em upwards;
  • 992px: From 48em upwards;
  • 1280px: From 62em upwards;
  • 1680px: From 80em upwards;
  • > 1680px: From 105em upwards;

To make styles responsive, you can use either the array or object syntax.

The Array syntax

All style props that arrays as values for mobile-first responsive styles. This is the recommended method.

Let’s say you have a Box with the following properties:

<Box bg="red.200" w="400px">
This is a box

To make the “width” or “w” props responsive using the array syntax, here’s what you need to do:

<Box bg="red.200" w={[300, 400, 500]}>
This is a box

Here’s how to interpret this syntax:

  • 320px: From 0em upwards;
  • 428px: From 20em upwards;
  • 768px: From 26.75em upwards;

To interpret array responsive values, Reverb converts the values defined in theme.breakpoints and sorts them in ascending order. Afterward, we map the values defined in the array to the breakpoints.

// This is the default breakpoint
const breakpoints = {
base: "0rem",
mobileXs: "20em",
mobileSm: "26.75em",
tabletMd: "48em",
desktopLg: "62em",
desktopXl: "80em",
desktop2xl: "105em",
// Internally, we transform to this
const breakpoints = ["0em", "20em", "26.75em", "48em", "62em", "80em", "105em"];

The Object syntax

You can also define responsive values with breakpoint aliases in an object. Any undefined alias key will define the base, non-responsive value.

Let’s say you have a Text that looks like this:

<Text fontSize="40px">This is a text</Text>

To make the “fontSize” prop responsive using the object syntax, here’s what you need to do:

<Text fontSize={{ base: "24px", tabletMd: "40px", desktopXl: "56px" }}>
This is responsive text

Remember, Reverb uses the min-width media query for responsive design.

The breakpoints are:

base = 0rem,
mobileXs = 20em,
mobileSm = 26.75em,
tabletMd = 48em,
desktopLg = 62em,
desktopXl = 80em,
desktop2xl = 105em,

Here’s how to interpret this syntax:

  • base: From 0em upwards;
  • tabletMd: From 48em upwards;
  • desktopXl: From 80em upwards;

Learn more

You can use our responsively layout following this guideline.

More examples

This works for every style prop in the theme specification, which means you can change the style of most properties at a given breakpoint.

base: "100%", // 0-48em
tabletMd: "50%", // 48em-80em,
desktopXl: "25%", // 80em+
"100%", // 0-20em
"50%", // 20em-26.75em
"25%", // 26.75em-48em
"15%", // 62em+
{/* responsive font size */}
<Box fontSize={["sm", "md", "lg", "xl"]}>Font Size</Box>
{/* responsive margin */}
<Box mt={[2, 4, 6, 8]} width="full" height="24px" bg="tomato" />
{/* responsive padding */}
<Box bg="papayawhip" p={[2, 4, 6, 8]}>

Under the hood

This shortcut is an alternative to writing media queries out by hand. Given the following:

<Box width={[1, 1 / 2, 1 / 4]} />

It’ll generate a CSS using percentage as value, that looks like this:

.Box {
width: 100%;
/* 'mobileXs': '20em' */
@media screen and (min-width: 20em) {
.Box {
width: 50%;
/* 'mobileSm': '26.75em' */
@media screen and (min-width: 26.75em) {
.Box {
width: 25%;

The equivalent of this style if you passed it as an object.

Customizing Breakpoints

In some scenarios, you might need to define custom breakpoints for your application. We recommended using common aliases like sm, md, lg, and xl.

To define custom breakpoints, install @reverb-ui/react, and use the createBreakpoints utility we provide.

// 1. Import the utilities
import { extendTheme, createBreakpoints } from "@reverb-ui/react";
// 2. Update the breakpoints as key-value pairs
const breakpoints = createBreakpoints({
sm: "320px",
md: "768px",
lg: "960px",
xl: "1200px",
// 3. Extend the theme
const theme = extendTheme({ breakpoints });
// 4. Now you can use the custom breakpoints
function Example() {
return <Box width={{ base: "100%", sm: "50%", md: "25%" }} />;


Here’s a simple example of a marketing page component that uses a stacked layout on small screens, and a side-by-side layout on larger screens.

<Box p={4} display={{ tabletMd: "flex" }}>
<Box flexShrink={0}>
width={{ tabletMd: 40 }}
alt="Woman paying for a purchase"
<Box mt={{ base: 4, tabletMd: 0 }} ml={{ tabletMd: 6 }}>
<Link mt={1} display="block" fontSize="lg" lineHeight="normal" fontWeight="semibold" href="#">
Finding customers for your new business
<Text mt={2} color="gray.500">
Getting a new business off the ground is a lot of hard work. Here are five ideas you can use
to find your first customers.
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