
Get started using Reverb components and see how to get support for even more.

Reverb is the name of our Design System at Rock Content. It’s associated with music and it’s a good metaphor for the value our design system delivers, reverberating in all of our products and experiences.

A Design System is a distributed point of reference, for designers and developers, that helps teams work, and communicate more efficiently.

In other words: using Reverb is fundamental (not optional) for building products and creating experiences with a shared aesthetic and behavior.

Who is it for and what does it offer

For designers

Reverb provides Figma libraries, including tokens, icons, and components. They help product designers create easy, consistent, familiar, and accessible user experiences that follow Rock Content’s brand guidelines.

For developers

Reverb provides component libraries in React, which offers modular, scalable, and accessible elements in order to optimize the product cycles.

For all

Reverb supplies documentation, which collects detailed information on how to apply tokens, components, icons, layouts, visual foundations, and writing in practice; including design principles, code principles, playgrounds for testing and guidelines for support.

Current versions

Design tokens


React components




Design tokens


React components




Enable opportunities for growth